Life of Pi

I have been long awaiting this film and I am pleased to say that I was not disappointed. We arrived at the cinema and realised I had accidentally gotten the time for the 3D version rather than the normal 2D. I am so glad I made that mistake. This film is one of the most visually breathtaking I have seen. It focuses on the details and delicacies of nature, specifically the Pacific ocean. If you are going to see this film it should definitely be for the visual as that is where you will find the most pleasure.

As for the storyline, it was a good idea. I had read about 80 pages of the book before going to see the film and had liked it up to that point. This merely encompassed the first 30 minutes which establishes ‘Piscine Molitor Patel’s’ childhood and background for the story. This is portrayed magnificently as it is done with intense colour and vibrate sounds. The setting of India will always lend to a delightful visual experience.

The whole film works well together, however, the storyline does begin to drag as it reaches its middle. With the setting of the Pacific ocean and the only speaking character being Pi in his teens, accompanied by a Bengal Tiger, it is easy to see why. However, if you use this time to appreciate the visualness of the film and stick with it then you will come to appreciate it more.

Also, another aspect of the film that I enjoyed was the colourful way religion is portrayed and Pi’s innocent willingness to accept every religion he can get his hands on. This is a fresh view on religion that I think everyone should appreciate, especially if you read the book as his arguments and descriptions around his chosen religions (Christianity, Hinduism and Islam) are invigorating. lifeofpi

The only thing that upset me about this film was the ending. Though do not let this harm your opinion of the film as it is merely me being a bit childish and wanting everything to have a fairytale, Disney ending. Although the facts of the ending seem to give you a finite answer, it doesn’t actually say it is so. Therefore, keep your childish imagination running free and you will be able to believe the happier ending! Get your eyes ready for this visual extravaganza.

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