Monthly Archives: January 2012

The Iron Lady

I can safely say the best films out there are produced in Britain by the UK Film Council. Of course, a film about one of the most inspirational women in British history would no doubt be enriching and totally captivating. For those who lived through her time in power it was a time for reflection and for those like me it was a time to experience the trouble she went through for the first time. What this film did well was, not only portraying her power, decisiveness and authority, but actually showing that she did have emotions and felt each death in the Falkland war, each riot, each bombing, each cut deeply but realised it was necessary if Britain was to be rebuilt. If it didn’t change the opinions of those who didn’t believe in her while she was in power, it would have definitely leant them some compassion towards her.

The casting choices were exceptional. Meryl Streep was outstanding and did our Maggie justice! Thankfully, she did not overdo the elder Maggie, who had the onset of dementia, and therefore kept her dignity. Jim Broadbent, who seems to be in every single British film, successfully portrayed the madman that grounded the PM, though he was incredibly annoying at times. As this film required, the cast was completely star studded with all of the British greats including, Olivia Colman, Richard E. Grant, Nicholas Farrell and Anthony Head.

The flashback method to illustrate the great lady as she is now and the reflect on her life was thoroughly effective and allowed us to access a personal view on very public events. These films allow repentance and a chance for forgiveness for actions some people of the public may have viewed as mistakes.

Overall, this film is very juicy and every Brit should most definitely see it out of patriotic, moral duty to your country. However, I have to admit I do still prefer the King’s Speech (the best film ever)!

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